

ASV Presents the Benefits of its Infirmary Service

Ms. Inma Requena and Ms. Silvia Chamorro participated in a professional webinar on Monday, April 24, 2023 organized by the Colegio Oficial de Enfermería de Alicante, the professional association of nurses for the Alicante province, in which they described the regular operation of a school infirmary service.

Our nurses were invited to describe how the ASV community benefits from having a full-day infirmary service on campus. They offered a presentation featuring achievements such as the health protocols implemented at ASV and the varied education actions done in hygiene (Preschool classes), healthy nutrition (whole school), and puberty changes (Grade 5).

The recognition of our service as a Health Center by the Conselleria de Sanitat in July 2022 was another remarkable milestone shared with the participants.

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