


All-in Pilot Program

High School is developing All-In, a 4-week pilot program aligned with ASV’s Middle States Association (MSA) accreditation goal of character education. Complementing the regular Advisory Program, which covers all of the orientation talks offered in Grades 9-12, the All-In program invites students to engage in a wide range of activities including sports, games, and art during the third class period on Thursdays.

“Students can sign up in one of the sport activities taking place in the Athletic facilities,” Coach Andy Ojelade says, “or join newly created groups for chess, games, and art, which are located in a number of classrooms.” Students have “an opportunity to strengthen bonds with other students.” Other activities connected to the All-in program are the VALMUN preparation, which usually starts 8 weeks before the conference, and a yearbook club.

High School is a demanding academic stage and providing a weekly opportunity to participate in athletics or to try out a new activity is beneficial for students’ holistic wellbeing.