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European Recognition for a Learning Project Led by the World Languages Department

Every February, the World Languages Department leads a learning project in connection with UNESCO’s International Mother Language. This year, the ASV project engaged a large group of students in Grades 9, 10 and 11 in a collaborative project among several schools in Europe presenting the role of language learning as a tool to understand the world. The result was visible at the ASV International Mother Language Day 2021 website. The activity was launched through the eTwinning platform, a component of Erasmus+, an inter-european educational program.

ASV is very happy to share that, after receiving a national recognition in April 2021, the project has received this week the European Quality Label, the highest recognition in the eTwining program.

This label recognizes the excellence and the commitment of the project with the eTwinning values.  Many congratulations to Ms. Martí, the ASV World Languages Coordinator, all of the World Language Department teachers and all of the student participants.