BETT UK 2024 Technology Conference

Teachers by BETT Fair entrance

ASV is continuously exploring the world of technology to evaluate new solutions to complement and enrich the school’s approaches to teaching and learning. Recently, three members of the leadership team, Mr. Frechina, Ms. Bird and Mr. Landete, attended the BETT UK 2024, a renowned international conference on technology in education. “It’s interesting what different technology-focused […]

Meteorologists at work in Grade 4!

ASV Logo

In Grade 4 students have been learning what it meant to be a scientist and have published their research in a lab report. In a recent Science unit, they were meteorologists investigating if they could build barometers to measure air pressure to predict the weather. Students collected and analyzed class data to come up with […]

Grade 6 Humanities and the C3 Framework

Students presenting

The Grade 6 Humanities course is one that combines coursework from English Language Arts and Social Studies (History, Civics, Geography, and Economics). The Social Studies component to this course is taught using the C3 Framework, one that is focused on an inquiry design model.  At the beginning of the academic year, students were presented with compelling questions and supporting […]