

New Student Teachers in Elementary School

Student teachers are an asset in the classroom, as they bring with them the latest teaching strategies, enthusiasm and an additional teacher in the classroom. We are pleased to have these young professionals here with us. Please join us in showing a warm ASV welcome to the following individuals:


  • Ms. Anastasia Fox of Northern Arizona University will be working with Amanda Crespo in third grade from January 7-March 13, 2015.
  • Ms. Haley Shukert of Northern Arizona University will be working with Mary Cass in fifth grade from January 7-March 13, 2015.
  • Ms. Allison Flores from Florida State University will be working with Robert MacLarty in sixth grade from January 12-April 22, 2015.
  • Ms. Alexandre Scott of the University of Northern Colorado will be working with Deanna Williams in second grade from March 2-May 8, 2015.
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