

Welcome Back!

On behalf of the entire ASV school community, I would like to welcome back all of our students and their families, as well as welcome all of our new families to ASV.  I hope you have had a wonderful, relaxing and enjoyable summer and are ready to start a new academic  year. Your support and participation is tremendously valued and makes a positive difference in our school.

We are blessed to know that our school is growing and diversifying as we welcome new students and families from 33 countries who speak 30 world languages. As an international school, our diversity and respect for other cultures is a hallmark of the “ASV Difference”.  So, please take the opportunity welcome our new families and show them the beautiful city of Valencia.

Our world-class staff of educators have been working and planning to make 2017-2018 another stellar year.   Together we make ASV a joyous and caring community with the common goals of nurturing responsible, caring students and promoting deep engagement in learning.

One of the important initiatives that we are implementing at ASV is the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program,  which we began implementing in 2016-2017.  During the first weeks of school, as well as throughout the academic year, the ASV staff will be focusing on clear behavioral expectations for all students throughout our campus.  Our staff will also continue collaborating with Dr. George Sugai of the PBIS Center at the University of Connecticut (  Periodic information, updates and workshops will be provided to all families, and we encourage families to be engaged in the variety of PBIS initiatives taking place.

Lastly, I encourage all families to take some time each week to read through ASV Voices, which along with our social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, are the official news sources for the ASV school community.

Let’s make it a great 2017-2018 and I look forward to seeing you at our numerous events or around campus.

With all best wishes,

Michael L. Smith