A Platform for Future Leaders
American School of Valencia successfully hosted VALMUN 2023, the ASV’s Model United Nations conference, gathering over 200 student-delegates from seven schools on December 1 and 2, 2023 at the school campus and on December 3 at the United Nations Global Service Center (UNGSC), an official UN facility in Valencia.
As it was already posted on this website, the Opening Ceremony took place on Friday, December 1, 2023 at the ASV Athletic Center. On Saturday, delegates delved into the formal debates in the seven committees established by the conference team. Among other topics, student-delegates discussed humanitarian crises, environmental threats, active armed conflicts, and emerging global challenges.
The third and final day was a unique opportunity to test their negotiation and collaboration skills as delegates participated in a simulated crisis situation in three new combined committees. Lobbying and preparing resolutions under time constraints adds an element of realism and urgency to the proceedings, reflecting the fast-paced nature of international diplomacy.
VALMUN and other MUN experiences are an integral part of the “ASV Difference” and offer invaluable learning experiences for participants to foster critical thinking, manage effective communication and learn problem-solving skills. Some of the ASV delegates at VALMUN will participate in January 2024 in The Hague Model United Nations (THIMUN), world’s largest MUN conference and others will begin their preparation for Madrid Model United Nations (MADMUN).
ASV would like to once again thank the United Nations Global Service Center (UNGSC) for its continuing support and hosting of the VALMUN Closing Ceremony since 2013. The United Nations’ support makes VALMUN a truly memorable experience year after year for the MUN delegates.