

Valentine’s Day Celebrated Across ASV

Preschool and Elementary classes enjoyed class activities for Valentine’s Day. Many teachers included in their daily plan activities or projects connected with love, friendship and affection. An example is Grade 4, who used part of the Spanish period to read poems about friends, family members, pets or even objects for which they feel a special connection.

Starting in the morning break, the High School Student Council distributed candies and flowers ordered by the students throughout the week, a tradition at ASV in the recent years. Those gifts had attached a message and, in total, more than 100 carnations and 170 bags of candies were given.

Valentine’s Day is a popular celebration in the United States and it is a time when people show feelings of love, affection and friendship. In Australia, February 14 is also the Library Lovers Day, a day to remember the important work of libraries and librarians while UK celebrates this day on February 6 and in the US the American Library Association invites to express support throughout the whole month.