The Summer Program for Elementary students (6 – 11 years old) offers an English immersion experience through a variety of creative and collaborative activities. Here is an overview of their work during the third week.
Ms. Vanesa’s class (Grade 1) recently finished a unit on the classic tale ‘Three Little Pigs. “This and other stories help students to strengthen comprehension skills,” Ms. Vanesa says. Songs and rhymes support vocabulary acquisition and, additionally, “children have fun with them”.
Ms. Jennifer’s group has been working on a writing project set on an island where there are many species of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. “Each student has been working on writing journal entries to create their own story regarding their journey and discovery of the secret behind the missing scientists,” Ms. Jennifer describes. The journal is complemented by a detailed map and a supply list for the expedition. “In order to help our writing come alive, we are utilizing adjectives connected to the five senses,” she mentioned.
The ASV Focus on Communications Skills
Higher grade levels focused on communication skills. Ms. María’s class had oral presentations on professions and jobs. Art periods were used to make origami, mandalas, and clay accessories. A similar experience can be seen in Mr. Jorge’s class: slowly but firmly, students are more comfortable when using English to talk to their classmates and teachers. “What started as some words in English mixed with Spanish has morphed into full sentences,” Mr. Jorge remarked.
An additional example is Mr. George’s class: this group worked all week long on a big show that included comedy, music, and magic. By preparing for this event, “students have reinforced their oral communication skills, vocabulary, and everything related to a live show,” Mr. George described. Each team had to design a poster describing a part of the show and created flashcards with all the vocabulary learned.
This type of project connects with one of the features of the ASV Learning Profile: Communicators.