Ms. Paz Carceller, mayor of Puçol, visited ASV on July 19 to be part of an assembly in which the ASV Foundation Summer scholarships were granted. The event was held at 15:00 and, in addition to Ms. Carceller, had these guests: Mr. José María Esteve, councilor of education; Mr. Francisco Estela, vice president of the ASV Board of Governors; Mr. Michael L. Smith, ASV director; and Ms. Felicitas Berazay, Summer Program coordinator.
Four Elementary groups made presentations and performances: Ms. Teresa’s class, a fragment of Peter Pan; Ms Scarlett’s class, showed ecosystems models created with plastic bottles; Ms. Bea, amazing inventions; Ms. Sarah’s class, a fun call and repeat song.
Ms. Paz Carceller highlighted the benefits of learning world languages in summer and mentioned with some joy that when she was at school she also participated in the ASV Summer Program.