

The Mayor of Puçol Presents the ASV Foundation Summer Scholarships

Ms. Lola Sánchez, Mayor of Puçol, visited the American School of Valencia on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 to present the scholarships for students attending the ASV Summer Program 2017. Ms. Sánchez was accompanied by Ms. M. Carmen Cortell, Puçol’s Counselor for Education, and participated in one of the weekly assemblies in which summer students showcase their class work. After these performances, nine children received a certificate acknowledging their scholarships and participation in the ASV Summer Program.

The ASV Foundation Summer Program Scholarships are possible thanks to the collaboration between the Puçol City Council, the ASV Foundation and ASV. Families of students aged 6 to 12 and living in Puçol are eligible to attend the ASV Summer Program for two weeks with the scholarships provided by the ASV Foundation. The Puçol City Council administers the application process and assesses candidates, and the ASV Foundation provides the scholarships in lieu of the Summer Program enrollment fees of the selected children. In 2017, nine primary-age students received a scholarship and are participating in this English immersion program held at ASV each year.

After the award ceremony, the ASV Director, Mr. Michael L. Smith, guided Ms. Sánchez and Ms. Cortell throughout the school campus, while the Summer Program Coordinator and the Summer Program Assistant Coordinator explained the organization, teaching philosophy and methodology of the ASV Summer Program, which is organized for 700 students. Mr. Smith also explained how the summer program scholarships are aligned with the ASV Foundation mission to promote multicultural and multilingual education, and how the ASV community is involved in multiple fundraising events to make the scholarships possible each year.