

asv day collage

Thanks to Everyone who Participated in and Supported ASV Day

The school community gathered on Saturday, September 30, 2023, to celebrate ASV Day, the annual event in which students, parents, and faculty-staff share community together with a wide range of fun activities and games, food and beverages, paella, and camaraderie spread across the school campus.

The 2023 edition was a success in terms of attendance and involvement of the school community. The school’s dining room served 800+ menus and the food courts also served food, snacks and drinks non-stop. The rides, attractions and activities for children were plentiful, along with the swimming pool, face painting, athletic activities, dunk tank and the raffle with 50 prizes.

The ASV Day Committee wishes to thank the school community for participating in this annual event, and they would also like to thank all of the ASV Day volunteers. A special mention to Colevisa for preparing and serving the paella luncheon, Lopsacons for sponsoring the raffle’s main prize of a deluxe mountain bike, as well as the rest of school partners who donated prizes or services that help ASV to organize this action-packed event.

After Video

Enjoy the after-event video on YouTube

Sponsors and partners

Thank You Again to our ASV Day Sponsors:

AdBerry, Agenda de Isa, Algeco, Aquaservice, Armería Macario, Arroz Dacsa, Auditores BDO, Autobuses Romero, Autocares Puerto, Bar Cervecería Fox, Bodegas Vicente Gandía, Braulio Fenollosa, Caixabank, Caixa Popular, Colevisa, Cosues, Ecoval, Eduvap, Estudio Fotográfico De Castro, Feix, Ferclima, Hermex, Himor, Hotel SH Boutique Inglés, Ingenio Kids, Innovación Floral, IVASS, Leolo, Lopsacons, MATSA, Mobel Sport, Papua Chocolates, Pata Pato, Pinturas Titán, Rafael Molins e hijas, Riso Ibérica, Santillana, School Nurses, Suministros Ferbe, Transvía GO, Vía Prevención

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