

Teachers training

TCRWP Deputy Director Leads a Professional Development Institute at ASV

On October 24, 2022, ASV hosted an American International Schools in Spain (AISiS) Workshop with Dr. Mary Ehrenworth, Deputy Director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Workshop. This professional learning opportunity focused on Information Writing Across Content in Grades 5-12 using the Workshop Approach to Teaching and Learning.

In the different grade levels, teachers of varying subjects, like Science, Social Studies, Math, and Art, came together to learn strategies on how to teach writing in their subjects.

As the ASV community is aware, the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project is the workshop approach that is used in both English and Spanish classes. Seeing the value of this approach and implementing it across a variety of subject areas to ensure students transfer their writing skills from one subject to the next is crucial for them to develop a deeper understanding.