

Successful Audit Report of the Academic Year 2018-2019

Each year, the school undergoes a thorough and exhaustive audit of its finances and accounting practices by an independent and external auditing firm, BDO Auditores.  During one week in October 2019, the auditors were working with the Business Office staff to examine the school’s finances and accounting practices for the academic year 2018-2019.  After this week, BDO kept working from its headquarters in Valencia for several more weeks requesting some additional documentation and checking all aspects of the accounting according to the Spanish law.  Finally, on December 2, 2019, BDO signed a report after finding that the ASV is in full compliance with all financial and accounting regulations and reporting procedures.

At the Board of Governors meeting on November 28, 2019, the Board unanimously approved the financial and accounting report and will report it at the Shareholder’s meeting (Junta General de Accionistas) in February 2020.

We wanted to share this good news with all of our school community. Once again, receiving a positive  auditor’s report, with no exceptions, is an additional reason to celebrate this achievement.

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