

Students Teachers coming from the US complete their education at ASV

Mr. Keaton Morris and Ms. Hanna Rodenhausen, two students of Education at Ohio Northern University in Ada (Ohio, United States) arrived on Monday, September 1, 2014 at American School of Valencia to start their student-teacher experience. They will be working at ASV as the result of a cooperating agreement between ASV and four American universities.

“The student teachers will work for eight to ten weeks as part of their teaching practicum”, director Michael L. Smith declared. “While they are teaching they are supervised by one of our staff members, as well as the principals and their university professors in the US”, he added.

Mr. Smith described other positive impacts of their presence at the ASV classrooms: “They bring new ideas, new methodologies which support our staff, but importantly there’s another educator in the classroom that helps student on a more individual basis”.