

Robert Sills Nominees

Congratulations to the ASV 2015 Robert Sills nominees, Ricky Saez, Carla Martinez, Raquel Lopez, Olga Ballester, Fernando Tena, Carlos Miranda, and Alejandro Villargordo.

Robert Sills was an exemplary educator, leader, and inspiring individual, who served as Treasurer and President of the Mediterranean Association of International Schools (MAIS). In his memory and through the generosity of TieCare International, MAIS has established the annual Robert Sills Student Award to be granted to those exemplary sixth through eighth grade students enrolled in MAIS member schools. A total of five awards of $500.00 each will be granted in the 2014-2015 Academic Year.

The award is not meant to recognize a specific academic, athletic, or artistic talent or achievement, although nominees may well excel in one or more of these areas. It is intended to recognize those young people who model the character traits that MAIS values most in its students: persistence, a willingness to take risks, acceptance of other cultures and points of view, and a genuine interest in a sustained commitment to the welfare of others.

We thank these students for their commitment to excellence in all areas.