The High School Science Department is planning a special day to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hubble Space Telescope on April 2015 as American School of Valencia is one of the eight venues selected in Spain to honor this fact. As of next week our school will host several educational activities introducing astronomy and the role of Hubble Telescope improving this science. ASV will also receive a large format photography that will be unveiled on April 28, 2015; the picture will remain exhibited remembering our participation in this event.
Guided by their science teachers, groups from 6th to 11th grade will work a special unit describing Hubble Space Telescope as well as explaining how this observatory has improved space research. On Friday, April 24, 2015, we will open a scientific exhibition given by the Valencian Astronomical Society (AVA). Weather permitting, on Tuesday, April 28, students will have time to observe the sun using telescopes. Coming from AVA, Fernando Pérez Mate will offer an educational talk at 15:00 h. in the school theater and finally at 16:00 h. we will unveil the large picture given by the European Southern Observatory.
The role of Hubble on Space Research
On April 24, 1990, the space shuttle Discovery lifted off carrying a satellite designed to observe the space free of atmosphere’s interferences. For 25 years, Hubble has reinvigorated and reshaped our perception of the cosmos and has revealed properties of space and time not proved before. The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center manages the telescope while several scientific institutions guide and plan the astronomical research.