

Preschool Parent Conferences in April

Preschool teachers are getting ready for Parent conferences from April 11 to 19, 2016, a time of our school year where they are available for individual meetings with families, offering an overview of their children’s development.

Remember that this year we are using Google Calendar to schedule conference slots, taking advantage of the efficiency of this online platform. Please, find here some notes about the right procedure:

  • Ensure to log into Google by using the ASV account or a personal Gmail account.
  • Please make sure the time clock on your device/computer is set to Madrid Local Time
  • After selecting the teacher’s link (see table below), advance in the calendar to the date of the first available conference date. There is typically a link at the bottom of the page you can select to move right to the first open date. If you do not see any appointments, select “refresh” on the blue bar and try again.
  • Open appointment times will be displayed on the calendar and times that have already been reserved will not be visible.
  • Select the day and time you want to attend.
  • Be sure to include your child’s name in the description box.


Find below a table your child’s teacher name and book your meeting. Teachers without an active link are currently in the process of scheduling conferences:

Ms. Jamie Racek. Nursery
Ms. Paula Goold. PK1B

Ms. Sally Radford. PK1W
Ms. Cristina Alabau. PK2B Ms. Lauren Guerra. PK2W
 Ms. Nicky Chakravarty. Kinder Blue  Ms. Laura Rainey. Kinder White