

New ASV Read Aloud Projects Launched

Dr. Murphy-Barrena, ASV’s Preschool and Elementary Principal, is excited to share out two new Read Aloud video projects that will directly support our student-focused MSA Reading Goals in Preschool and Elementary this year by providing additional resources in English, Spanish and a variety of  Mother Tongue languages that can be utilized at school and at home.

ASV Reads Aloud Videos

Teaching Assistants began working this week (pictures above) on a new project to create and curate a collection of videos that will provide key children picture-book and chapter stories read aloud in both English and Spanish for students in the Preschool and Elementary!

Ms. Amanda Bird, our Curriculum Coordinator, and Ms. BethAnn Kornobis, our Literacy Coach, created several resources to ensure both a uniform approach and the creation of a Read Aloud Database that teachers will be able to access and search to share this valuable resource with their students. Providing access to Read Aloud videos of books at different reading levels and on various topics for all grade levels will directly support students in meeting our MSA literacy goals.

We look forward to sharing out more information and access to both of these video collections with parents and students soon!