

STEAM Challenge: Robotics station

II STEAM Challenge

The school campus hosted the second edition of the STEAM Challenge on Saturday, May 4, 2024. The activity involved 56 students who participate in STEAM extracurricular activities at ASV and Benjamin Franklin International School (Barcelona).

“Students were divided into teams of four members and had five stations to complete: Video Game creation, 3D art design, Ecocity (a challenge with Lego Mindstorm), Sumo battle and a creativity station where they had to build a bridge only with the given material,” Ms. Scarlett Casas says when describing the event..

“We had an amazing morning, parents enjoyed watching and being part of it. All students received a participation certificate and three teams (two from ASV and one from BIFS) were awarded special prizes,” she highlights. Those awards recognized team spirit, creativity and innovation and problem solving.