

Group 4 Project. Exploring the World of Science

During the second trimester the students in grade 11 are developing the activity Group 4 Project, a hands-on exercise in which they explore Science while they work to answer a question combining different scientific disciplines.

Driven by the High School Science Department, students are encouraged to learn to work as professional researchers. According to Mr. Matías Benlloch, Group 4 coordinator, “we want them to learn how Science works”.

Students take the initiative as they start voting the general topic embracing all the investigations. “After that, teams of four students proceed to search on books, draw up an hypothesis, and plan the work at the laboratory”, Mr. Benlloch explained. “Teachers just stay there, guiding the process and helping them on logistic and materials”.

This year Group 4 Project is focused on food and nutrition. Last Wednesday students completed their lab tests and now are preparing scientific posters, to be publicly presented, and a complete report of their investigations.

Exploring the World of Science Exploring the World of Science Exploring the World of Science