

Grade 10 Collaborates in a Memorial of Auschwitz Liberation

Grade 10 students have contributed to a Digital Memorial of the victims of the Holocaust through a special activity held in their History class this week. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp (remembered by UNESCO on January 27), this project supports the lessons on World War II and the Holocaust and remarks on the importance of knowing facts that are crucial to understanding the present.

The activity, coordinated by Ms. Empar Margaix and the counselor Ms. Laura Durner, consisted of “introducing information from the registration records of prisoners of several Nazi concentration camps, including Mauthausen and Auschwitz, in order to make the victims visible and remember them,” Ms. Margaix explains. Ms. Durner had some references about this interesting project and helped to read the information in German. “Thanks to that, students were able to enter data such as place of origin, age and other personal information that appeared in these digitized documents,” our teacher says.