Friday, March 11th is our 8th Annual Arts Day for students in 7th through to 12th Grade. We know that many of our students have creative interests which stretch beyond our normal curriculum. Arts Day provides a break from our normal schedule and the opportunity for students to spend an extended period of time in an Arts based workshop (Music, Drama, Art, or Dance). Thus offering them a chance to share a passion in school with their peers or experience something new.
As with previous years, we have invited professional artists to participate in leading workshops alongside the workshops faculty members with their expertise will provide. This year we are delighted to welcome back students from the Valencia campus of the Berklee College of Music, along with members of the Supremo breakdance crew, and one of the designers from Socarrat Studio, on our list of invited workshops.
Students will select the type of workshop they would like to participate in and will work alongside students from other classes and grade levels. There will be over 20 workshops.
The workshops themselves will run from 9:40 until 12:30. There will then be time to share learning and experience with all participants through performances and exhibitions throughout the rest of the day.
As the March 11th is also the school´s Fallas celebration, it is going to be a fun packed day for our students. We hope that all students take full advantage to participate in what has become an annual celebration of the Arts at ASV.