According to the required and published notice in the BORME and the newspaper El Mundo, the Colegio Hispano Norteamericano, S.A. held its General Shareholders Meeting on Wednesday, February 11, 2015. The school presented the economic reports related to the 2013-2014 school year for approval. These documents, the Balance Sheet, Annual Report, Profit and Loss Statement, Change in Net Worth Statement and Cashflow Statement for the year ending August 31, 2014, along with the Auditors’ Report, have been available to the shareholders since December 2014 and are published on the ASV Community webpage.
Mr. Ildefonso Segura, ASV’s Financial Director, remarked that once again, the external Auditors’ Report confirmed the accuracy of the school’s annual accounts. He also presented the main points of the Financial Report and the Management Report. All of these documents were unanimously approved by the shareholders with no dissenting votes.