

First Days of ASV+ Activities

All our students have been having very busy and intense days of school, with new friends, new teachers and trying different ASV+ activities. Now everything is settling down and all the students are enjoying the activity they have chosen together with their parents. In the ASV+ Google Site you will be able to find some picture from this first days of school.

Fundación Deportiva Municipal League

Every year we try to improve our extracurricular activities program and this year for the first time we are inviting all our Basketball players from 3 to 12 grade and our Field Hockey players from 3 to 6 grade to participate in the Fundación Deportiva Municipal Basketball and Hockey League.

This league takes place during all the school year on the weekends in different schools or clubs in Valencia and starts on October 28, 2017. All families have been informed but if you have any further questions please contact Ms Escarlata Casas (