A representation from the Europaschule Gymnasium, a secondary school in Gommern (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany), visited the school campus on Thursday, September 29, 2022, to begin planning the exchange program planned for Spring 2023 with ASV. The group was composed of seven Grade 11 students and, representing the faculty, the World Languages teacher, Ms. Anne Räcke, and the school director, Ms. Dagmar Riwaldt.
“Our Grade 11 students are sharing a cultural exchange with a local school in Foios. On the occasion of this event, we wanted to visit ASV, where there is a German program, to get to know more about our future partner,” Ms. Anne Räcke says to describe the opportunity of this one-day visit.
The ASV World Languages Department prepared a schedule in which the visiting students shared learning activities with some Middle School and High School classes. The plan included conversation practice both in German and Spanish, as well as a guided tour and a lesson on Spanish History in Grade 8.
“The German girls were impressed with the Grade 6 class and their openness to using what we have learned in the past classes, including a German song that we were singing together,” Ms. Bozena Schmidt describes. “The Grade 10 class, in charge of the conversation practice and the campus tour, made the German students feel welcome!” Ms. Ida Farkas adds. The visiting group finished the day by having lunch and doing a 45 minutes hike around Los Monasterios with the ASV Grade 11 German class.