

MAP Testing begins on Monday September 21

Students in grades 3-10 will take the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Test between September 21 and October 30. The Measures of Academic Progress are administered to students twice a year, fall and spring, to determine the level of individual growth throughout the school year. Students will be assessed on how well they have learned the content standards for their grade in content areas of Reading and Mathematics.

All tests are multiple-choice and will provide both the school and parent with important information about the strengths and weaknesses of students in core academic areas.  It is important for your child to be at school on time each testing day. If students are absent or tardy, make-up sessions may be administered by certified personnel that may not be your student’s teacher.

Please stress to your student the importance of the test and doing his/her best. However, be careful not to create undue anxiety in the student. Students perform best when they are relaxed.

You will be notified of the test results. Thank you for your cooperation. Please see the links below for additional information on the MAP for parents.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

MAP Parent Toolkit. English
MAP Parent Toolkit. Spanish


Dr. Kristy L. Beam. High School Principal

Dr. Adam Spina. Preschool and Elementary Principal