

IT Coordinator Samuel Landete, selected for Google Certified Innovator Program

This coming week Mr. Samuel Landete (ASV IT Coordinator) has been invited to participate in the #MEX16 Google Innovation Academy. Mr. Landete will visit the Google headquarters in Mexico D.F. for 3 days to kick start a one-year mentorship program. 25 educators from Spain and Latin America are taking part of this cohort after passing a selection process based on the analysis of their teaching practices and projects.

Mr. Landete has been recognized for inviting his students to explore at their own pace and in depth their favorite topic of each unit, and to share the results with their classmates. One year after this initial workshop, Mr. Landete will become Google for Education Certified Innovator, while also holding the Google for Education Certified Trainer and Google Apps Certified Administrator titles, a unique position in Spain.