The ASV students taking part of the exchange with the Community School of Naples, in Florida, are showing an outstanding behavior during all phases of the trip. The group was exceptionally well-behaved, and received some nice compliments from the staff at KLM in Amsterdam about how respectful and polite they were.
The CSN host families are being so nice and taking great care of our students . . . maybe too nice! They have organized several trips, multiple BBQs, etc. for all of us. Earlier this week they had a Chick-fil-a catered luncheon at the school with their host students, and attended a basketball game at the school. On Wednesday they had a lunch at the beach followed by a BBQ at a CSN parent’s home. «Not too bad for the first week!», said ASV director, Michael L. Smith.
We want to share with our community that we can be very, very, very proud of our students. They are being truly outstanding ambassadors of ASV, and the CSN students can’t wait to come to Spain in March 2016. On Thursday, the make use of the Study Hall and worked well to complete their ASV assignments.