

Calling 2nd Grade to support the Bake Sale for Kapita School Driven by 2nd Grade

One of the goals of ASV is to teach our children to be caring, globally conscious and internationally-minded, which is why the ASV has chosen to support the Kapita School project in Zambia this year. It is our belief that by working together as a school and foundation, we can make a positive impact on our world.

In order to make this project possible, we are asking for your help. These months we are holding several fundraising opportunities to support this worthwhile project. Consequently, every month, and we will request that a different grade level provide food donations that will be sold at school on Tuesdays. The proceeds from these sales will benefit Kapita School.

Second grade is requested to bring in their food donations on Monday, April 26 and Tuesday, April 27.

And the 2nd grade students will conduct all sales in the school atrium Tuesday, April 27th .

Please donate:

  • Homemade cookies, brownies, cakes, or desserts
  • Store bought and individually wrapped cookies or snacks
  • Potato chips (any kind), popcorn

Thank you in advance for all of your continued help and support of Kapita School. Together, we have made a difference!