ASV is very proud to offer the opportunity for eligible sixth through tenth grade students to experience and participate in ASV´s Global Exchange Programs. On Thursday, October 1, 2015, ASV´s Director, Mr. Michael L. Smith, presented information about the two Global Exchange Programs offered in conjunction with the Community School of Naples (Florida) and Foxborough Regional Charter School (Massachusetts).
For those students who are eligible and wish to apply for the Global Exchange Programs, students and parents can find more information at the specific web section. Here you will find more information about the Global Exchange Program including Mr. Smith’s presentation, the Global Exchange Application and the rubric explaining how the applications will be evaluated.
Please note that the deadline for submission of the completed and signed application is Friday, October 16, 2015 at 16:30. All applications may be submitted to Ms. Haynes in the school administration office by this date and time. Students and parents who have any questions, may speak with Dr. Spina (6th grade) or Dr. Beam (7th-10th grades). Good luck students!