

Another good year for community service projects at ASV

Direct action is always the best form of service activity and this year high school students have participated in a number of events and programmes. Student volunteers at ASV community activities are always a welcome sight, but grade 11 boys preparing pizzas for the families at the ‘Casa Ronald McDonald’ was something new for both them and the school. The ‘Casa Ronald McDonald’ is a free hotel for low income families whose children need treatment at the hospital La Fe.

We continue to visit the ‘Preventorio’ (children’s home) in Real de Gandia, running activities for the children throughout the day. These visits result in lasting memories for students and a true appreciation of how lucky they are. The children certainly remember our students, even their names!

Student’s involvement in the ASV sandwich run, now in its 3 rd year, provides regular service opportunities. It not only helps students feel greater empathy for the marginalized immigrants who help park cars in the Alameda, but also tests students abilities to talk to new people and be a little more open minded. This year the sandwich run has delivered over 300 snacks to the gentlemen who park cars on the Alameda. Hopefully in September we will be able to participate in a Run for Refugees organized by a group of current grade 11 students, to raise money for refugees coming to Valencia.

The visit from Gilbert in December, the director of Kapita school, added to students understanding and connection to his school in Zambia. Before he left enough money was raised to send ASV book bags to every student in the school.

Tuesday snack sales have provided a regular form of fundraising for 2 of our projects – Kapita School in the Zambia and SOS Sagunto dog shelter, with a total of almost 2000 euros being raised, half of which have been spent purchasing much needed medicines for the dogs in the shelter.Just after Christmas students from grade 7 & 8 participated in a talk by volunteers at SOS Sagunto…which lead the grade 7 art group to create posters promoting the correct treatment of dogs as pets. These were shared with the organization and posted on their Facebook page. A special mention should be given to Sophie Lodmell and Ana Borras, 2 grade 8 students, who motivated by the talk organized their own fundraising event here in Monasterios. Students from grade 8 – 12 have also visited the shelter and walked the dogs throughout the year.

As the heat of June approached we organized a flash drive and have successfully raised over 300 Euros to support our school service projects.

With this school year winding down we look forward to the next when we will continue supporting these organizations in order to fulfill our school mission in preparing globally conscious young people.

For more information about our projects and how you can help contact Mr Boyer or Ms. Jackie