American School of Valencia held the 30th Graduation and Award Ceremony on Friday, June 3, 2022, at ASV. As is the tradition, the Salutatorian, the student with the second highest academic record, offered the welcoming speech. Additional speeches were delivered by the President of the ASV Board of Governors, Dr. Javier Sánchez; the Director, Mr. Michael L. Smith; and the MS-HS Assistant Director, Mr. Josep Vicent Frechina, who along with Mr. Matías Bennloch, MS-HS Assistant Principal, guided the emotionally-charged ceremony in recognition of students for completing the demanding pathway of High School.
The Class of 2022 is the largest graduating class in the school’s history with 71 graduates, and who cumulatively attended ASV for 709 years . . . half of whom began their academic careers in Nursery or PK1 in 2006 and 2007. Mr. Frechina described the responsibility felt by the ASV faculty-staff for having provided “the knowledge and skills that will be the basis of your future and will help you make your decisions autonomously.” Inviting graduates to stay in touch as ASV alumni, Mr. Frechina pointed out that the value that he hopes will remain in our graduates’ hearts is the school’s CARE values, which inspire the teaching philosophy and the curriculum.
In addition to Grade 12 students receiving their Honor Roll Awards and their High School Diplomas, a number of students also received the following special awards:
- Sandra Segura. Salutatorian
- Debora Tesserova. Arts Award
- Candela Galíndez. Humanities Award
- Juan Mata. STEM Award
- Sandra Segura. Utopia English Award
- Jaime Sanjuan and Carmen Ballester. Scholar-Athlete Award
- Gaia Liturri. International Mindeness Award
- Marcos Clemente. Director’s Award
- Marina Ortells: Ambassador’s Award
- María Sánchez and Cecilia Pardos. Co-Valedictorians

Senior Walk
Students and Teachers in other Grade Levels Acclaim our Graduates
Prior to the Graduation Ceremony, Grade 12 students experienced a relatively new ASV tradition on Thursday morning when they completed the Senior Walk. This event within their last week at ASV is an opportunity to receive the recognition of the whole school community. Wearing their caps and gowns, the three classes completed a walk crossing the school building and finishing outside after passing by the Preschool entrance. Enjoy the video!