

Committed to Growing and Developing the Best Teaching Strategies

All great schools embrace a culture of learning and growth for both students and the adults who work with them. The educators who work with children daily are the most important resource we can develop to positively impact student learning, so it is critical that they are continually updating their skills and knowledge to better serve students.

At ASV we work hard to ensure that the Teachers and Teaching Assistants who work with your children have the opportunity to continuously grow and develop their teaching strategies, as well as update their understanding of new digital tools, curricular changes, and other ongoing developments in educational research and practice.

One such example of this is the commitment to developing capacity and school-wide protocols with our Teaching Assistants. Last week all Teaching Assistants worked with Mr. Richard Albiñana, our Preschool Counselor on PBIS Behavior Interventions and learned more about the importance of teaching and reinforcing good social and learning behaviors with children.

Another such example of this are the Grade Level Learning Data Sessions that we will be holding in the Elementary School to conduct a ‘deep dive’ into what various assessment data is telling us about each child. By taking the time to look at the data together, triangulate different data points to look for trends or outliers and then create a learning plan for each student, we are able to move them forward.  ASV can ensure that optimal growth and challenge are available to all our students.