Mr. Ojelade and Mr. Ballester, Physical Education teachers in High School and Middle School, attended on October 31 and November 1 and 2, the professional preparation workshop needed to achieve the International Tennis Coach certification. The activity took place in Madrid and was led by the former professional tennis player Emilio Sánchez Vicario and the CEO of the Professional Tennis Registry, Luis Mediero (both in the picture). Coaches from several countries such as Australia, Canada, China, England, Spain, Denmark and Germany were registered.
Becoming an International Tennis Coach requires appropriate training in areas such as nutrition for professional tennis players or high-level under 18 players, game strategy, game patterns, competition planning, tactics, physical, technical and statistical conditioning in tournaments.
This certification, granted by the Professional Tennis Registry and the International Coaches Institute, is very prestigious and benefits the level of the ASV Athletic Department as a team.