

Career Day 2016 in High School

The ASV Counseling Service is closing the final details of the activity Career Day, a series of workshops on diverse university degrees and professional careers, addressed to our students in High School. A special value is that each workshop is driven by a professional, sometimes member of the ASV community. Save the date: Friday, January 29, 2016, from 14:25 to 16:30 h. Parents are invited to attend.


Fist Turn (2.25 to 3.10) Break (3.15-3.40) Second Turn (3.45 to 4.30)
Architecture Biotecnology
Athelte Coach Design
Intenational Business International Business
Criminology Criminology
Industrial Engineer Industrial Engineer
IT Engineer Civil Engineer
Management Engineer Management Engineer
Hospitality Management Entrepreneur
International Relations International Law
Marketing Marketing
Medicine Medicine
Psicolgy Psicology
Advertising Advertising