

ASV International Choir Festival

On May 31 and June 1, 2019, American School of Valencia hosted the first International Choir Festival involving 90 Middle School students from three international schools: American School of Madrid, Cambridge House Community College (Rocafort, Valencia), and American School of Valencia. The event was coordinated by Mrs. Coleen Mann, the  ASV Choir Teacher. The scheduled rehearsals and the gala concert were led by Dr. Rollo Dilworth, a renowned composer, arranger and music educator who currently works at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, USA.

“Music in the ASV Middle School grade levels is focused on the development of the adolescent voice through choral singing with an emphasis on building confidence and enjoyment of singing,” Ms. Coleen Mann explained. “By taking part in enriching and enjoyable experiences like this one, students connect with one another in a meaningful way and develop a life-long love and appreciation for music.”

Dr. Dilworth’s instruction during the festival ranged from warm-up routines, to vocal techniques, ensemble skills, empathy, and teamwork. The concert program included traditional American, Hebrew and Kenyan songs, an African-American spiritual, an arrangement of a classical work by Haydn,  and a song from the well-known musical Rent.

Watch the concert again on the ASV Facebook fan page.