

ASV Graduates Excel at the Spanish University Entrance Exam

ASV is pleased to announce that the Class of 2019 earned another great result in the Spanish University Entrance Exams (Pruebas de Competencias Específicas, formerly la Selectividad). The average score for the ASV class in 2019 has been 8.16 out of 10 points.

The entrance grade for students applying for universities in Spain is a combination of the student’s academic results and the specific results in the exams currently known as Pruebas de Competencia Específica (PCE) or Selectividad. ASV graduates completing the American High School Diploma and who intend to attend university in Spain take the PCE at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) usually during the third week of May. The school is informed of the initial PCE results after each student receives her/his results from UNED.

The Class of 2019’s PCE average result is the fourth highest in the 39 year history of ASV,  it is the third year in a row that ASV graduates have earned an average result above 8.00 points (out of 10), and ASV students have now earned the five highest results in the illustrious history of ASV over the past six academic years.

Those ASV graduates completing  the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program may not need to take the PCE tests, and they can use their IB final exams average score as their university entrance grades. The IB results are expected to be released on July 5, 2019.

On  behalf of our entire ASV community, we would like to congratulate the Class  of 2019, their families and the school staff for their tireless dedication to excellence.