The ASV Community was pleased to host two international schools on campus as a part of ASV’s Global Exchange Programs during the week of March 3-12, 2023.
Students from the Europaschule Gymnasium (Gommern, Germany) completed their stay at ASV on Friday, March 10, 2023. While attending ASV, students were hosted by ASV students and families, attended classes, participated in special projects on campus such as a Fallas workshop, and participated in an excursion to the Albufera.
Sharing time on campus and after school has given our German students multiple opportunities to practice their language skills. “It was great to give our students the opportunity for authentic conversation and they did great speaking German!,” Ms. Bozena Schmidt highlights.
On Monday, March 6, 2023, after a long trip, the global exchange students and two teacher chaperones from Seabury Hall in Maui (Hawaii, United States) arrived at ASV. The Seabury Hall students are being hosted by ASV students and families, they attend classes at ASV and have the opportunity to experience firsthand Spanish and Valencian culture.
On Thursday, March 9, 2023, the Seabury Hall and ASV host students visited Vilafamés, which offered the students an opportunity to create some special bonds during these first days. ASV has also organized a trip to Peñíscola on March 14, 2023, for the Seabury Hall and ASV host students to offer an opportunity to see a historical site in our area.
The Seabury Hall students will travel back to Maui on March 18, 2023, and participating ASV students and two teacher chaperones will travel to Maui on April 8-23, 2023 for the reciprocal trip as part of the Global Exchange Program.