

Mr. Smith at roundtable

ASV Director Talks at ESIC IMAT Education Conference

ASV’s Director, Mr. Michael L. Smith was invited to participate in a roundtable discussion at the ESIC IMAT 2022 VIII International Conference on Applied Innovation on July 5, 2022.

Among the topics Mr. Smith addressed as part of an innovative educational culture are: universal design for learning, standards-based grading, mastery transcript design, implementation of internationally normed, inquiry-based curriculum frameworks (such as Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Next Generation Science Standards and C3 Social Studies), applied and ongoing professional development for faculty-staff, world language acquisition, skills-based teaching rather than grade level teaching, adopting UN Sustainable Development Goals as an integral part of curriculum and decision-making, inclusive practices for all styles of learners, and how all of this connects to and prepares students for their future of work.

IMAT 2022 featured 90 speakers from Spain, Latin America, North America and Europe to speak about the future of education with a focus on the theme of “Learn, Unlearn and Relearn.”