Two highly beloved teachers, Ms. Sally Radford and Mr. John Stapleton, will begin their much-deserved retirement and have come to the end of their professional careers at ASV.
Ms. Radford joined ASV in 1986 and has served as a Preschool teacher for 35 years, in some cases teaching two generations of ASV students. Mr. Stapleton came to ASV in 2006 and has been a point of reference for Grade 6 students for many years, both in his role as homeroom teacher, Middle School math and social studies teacher, as well as a chaperone on the Grade 6 ski trips.
The Board of Governors and the school leadership team wish to express their heartfelt appreciation to Ms. Radford and Mr. Stapleton for their long-serving dedication, commitment and service to ASV for so many years. Both teachers leave cherished memories with their many students, their families and with the entire school staff.
We wish them all the best in this new stage in their lives.