

Alex Lostado, Cum Laude Award at Erasmus University

We are pleased to share that Álex Lostado Skorczynska (Class of 2017) has received an academic recognition for the outstanding qualifications during the first year at the School of Economics at the Erasmus University (Rotterdam, Holland). The Cum Laude award was received at the end of the first trimester of the 2018-2019 academic year, during a special gala organized for students, family members and faculty.

These awards recognize those students obtaining an average over 8.25 points in their first-year courses. Alex says that “for Dutch universities but especially for Erasmus, this is a very important achievement given that it is compulsory to pass all of the courses and they have a very demanding academic level. “During the award ceremony we also were encouraged to do other activities such as joining student clubs, working as a Teaching Assistants or Research Assistants and collaborating with companies associated with the university”, he mentions. He has joined a group of students in Econometrics, Economics and ADE who participate in an annual investment competition.

Almost completed his second year in Rotterdam, Alex explained that the second year is being demanding but he appreciates the high level of mathematics achieved at ASV: “My level was well above the average and I got some of the higher grades.” Our former student is also enjoying life in Rotterdam although he recognizes that weather is a bit unpleasant: “Rotterdam was known as ‘the city of the wind’ and people say that wherever you go here the wind always blows in the same direction: against you: And it is true!”.