Preschool and Elementary celebrated the ASV Fallas Festival on Friday, March 10, 2023, with an event held in Park B and open to our families for the first time since 2019. The celebration included a parade of the Corte de honor, the group dressing in the traditional Fallas costume, Valencian dances, and chocolate served in Parks B and A. Prior to this, parents had a chance to visit the exhibition of the Fallas drawing competition in the Atrium and vote for their favorite work.
The Fallas festival was the culmination of an entire week of special learning activities in four subjects: Valencian, Spanish, Spanish as Additional Language and Performing Arts. All this special work was connected to a set of related curricular content. As part of the weekly art time, Elementary students also created class decorations.
Early in the morning, Preschool had a preliminary celebration in which children had lots of fun with music, games and the globotà, a child-appropriate version of the mascletà made with balloons. Middle School and High School were served the traditional hot chocolate and ensaimadas (pastries) during the last period.
International Students Experienced Fallas
Students studying Spanish as an Additional Language (SAL) School had the traditional Fallas field trip. The SAL Elementary group went to Valencia with Ms. Ana Arjona, Ms. Maribel Flox, and Ms. Elena Corchs on Thursday, March 9. The Middle School group enjoyed the activity with Ms. Eugènia Bayarri and other teachers on Friday, March 3.
Both groups visited the Ninot exhibition, had chocolate in a historic café in the city, and watched the mascletá, the traditional Fallas fireworks event.
The SAL excursion allows new international students to learn more about Fallas, Valencian traditions, and the culture around this festival, which since 2016 is part of UNESCO’s as World Heritage.