Sharing the Joy of Learning at ASV

Elementary School held today the Celebration of Learning Day. As it is tradition at ASV, parents visited the school to see what their children have been learning throughout the school year. Students were in charge of visual presentations, stands with curriculum-based activities, and games  designed with their teachers. The event is an excellent opportunity to […]

Swimming in PE Classes. Elementary School

Elementary groups are having swimming classes during in June their PE classes. Students need need to bring: One piece swimsuit or swimming shorts, flip flops, towel, goggles, and swim cap. Any non-participant must bring a note of explication. Schedule: Mondays – 5B/5W/4W/4B Tuesday – 2B/2W/3W Wednesday – 6W Thursday  – 1B/3B Friday – 6B/1W

High School Final Exams Information

As you know final exams begin on June 17, 2016 for Grade 7 and 8 students and on June 20, 2015 for Grade 9, 10 and 11 students.   June 9th-June 17th  is our all-important Review.  Attendance is mandatory and teachers will be reviewing important material in class.  Students are not assigned homework but definitely […]