High School Students Volunteer at the Spring Fête organized by AVAPACE

Some of you already know that this weekend, April 23th & 24th, the Spring Fête organized by AVAPACE, ASPRONA, BONA GENT y FUNDACIÓN ASINDOWN is celebrated in Viveros gardens. All these organizations work towards helping intelligence handicapped people integrate into society. Some of our tenth, eleventh and twelve grade students will collaborate in AVAPACE in […]

Informative Meetings for High School Families

We have planned the following meetings to support your child and family in making informed decisions about the academic program for next year. We will present important information and hope to clarify any doubts you may have. Grade 10 / Monday, April 25, 2016 from 15:00-16:30 in the dining hall (Already done. Download the presentation) […]

New Launch of the ASV Alumni Association

Sixty ASV graduates attended the official presentation of the Alumni Association held today at 18:00 at the school theater. Francisco Estela, representing the Board of Governors, and Michael L. Smith, director of the school, welcomed participants with their opening speeches. After this introduction, the Alumni Coordinator, Josep Vicent Frechina, described how former students have been in touch with the school […]

Calling 2nd Grade to Support the Bake Sale

One of the goals of ASV is to teach our children to be caring, globally conscious and internationally-minded, which is why the ASV has chosen to support the Kapita School project in Zambia this year. It is our belief that by working together as a school and foundation, we can make a positive impact on […]

End of Year Trips. Informative Meetings

We are holding a series of informative meetings for parents offering detailed information about the overnight trips from 1st to 5th grade. Please, check this table and save the date of your child’s meeting.   Date Grade Trip Trip dates Teachers May 23 1st grade Mas de Noguera June 13 to 14 Rosemarie Lima Soraya […]

Clothes for the Children’s Home in Gandia

Next Thursday some 11th Grade students are going to Children’s Home in Gandia. The main objective of their visit is to collect clothes for kids and organize sport activities for them. On behalf of these students, we describe how the school community can support their project: ASV families can bring clothes for kids between ages of […]

Preparing Staff Appreciation Luncheon

On Thursday, May 5, 2016 we are preparing an Appreciation Luncheon for faculty and staff at ASV. We are requesting donations from ASV families of homemade dishes or, if you wish, bought dishes to be shared at this special luncheon. We invite you to show off your culinary skills and your gastronomic knowledge and to […]

Exchange with FRCS: Touring around Boston and New York City

ASV students and their exchange peers in Foxborough Regional Charter School enjoyed this week the Spring Break. These days off the group had time for interesting activities such as excursions to Boston, a relevant city in the American history, Newport, and New York. Part of them visited colleges in the surrounding area like Harvard. The FRCS […]